Meet Our Team
Alba Fernanda Diaz Canela, ASW
Registered Associate Clinical Social Worker #110230
Pronouns: she/her/Ella
Clients/Groups/Communities I work with: Come as you are and be willing to work! I am ready to meet with you and get to know you as we embark on your therapeutic/healing journey. I have worked with children, youth, and adults from different walks of life, capabilities and capacities. / Yo no discrimino, estoy lista y abierta para recibirte tal y como eres! He trabajado con niños, jóvenes y adultos en diferentes etapas de sus vidas y capacidades. Nos daremos a conocer y vamos a trabajar juntos en tu viaje terapéutico!
I am a proud first-generation daughter of immigrants. Witnessing the struggles and lack of support for my community pushed me into the field of mental health and social justice advocacy. My personal and professional experiences have taught that our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing are intertwined and equally as important as anything else. Like yourself, I am always learning and doing the work to be a humble, inquisitive, anti-oppressive, ally, advocate, trauma-informed and culturally sensitive clinician. / Con mucho orgullo les comparto que me vine a este país con mis papás cuando era niña. Ver los problemas de mi comunidad y la falta de ayuda me impulsó a estudiar y trabajar en profesiones de salud mental y justicia social. Mis experiencias me han demostrado que nuestra salud física, mental y emocional están relacionadas y todas esas partes de nosotros son importantes. Igual que tu, sigo aprendiendo de mi misma, como ser una mejor persona, y terapista.
BA Psychology
BA Community Studies
Master of Social Work (MSW)
Trainings and certifications
Bilingual Clinician Certification (2022)
Trauma-Informed Care
Cultural sensitivity, and cultural competency training
BA in Psychology & BA in Community Studies, University of California Santa Cruz
MSW Degree, San Jose State University
Bilingual MSW Certification, San Jose State University
2018 - Present
Serving my community as a mental health provider in various capacities (RBT, therapist, care coordinator and translator)
Eldest Daughter & Sister
I have been caring for others for most of my life. From a young age I was a translator, advocate, therapist, sister and so much more. This has shaped me into a passionate, compassionate, empathetic and fierce provider and advocate. My goal is empower and support others as they learn more about and support themselves. / He estado ayudando y cuidando a los demás por mucho tiempo debido a que soy la hija mayor en mi casa. Desde pequeña he sido traductora, abogada, consejera, hija y hermana. Ayudarle a mi familia de esta manera me ha enseñado la importancia de estar en comunidad, y tener con quien respaldarse.
I gotchu, because it really do be like that sometimes. Life, like our healing, is not linear. But the process is tolerable and fulfilling when we have a strong, caring support system. My personal support system has shown me what friendship, unconditional love, genuine support, compassion, and encouragement looks and feels like. I am ready to remind you of your worth, power and autonomy when things get rough, and to support you throughout your journey. / La Amiga: A veces la vida nos agarra desprevenidos, pero tener buenos amigos hace una gran diferencia! Nuestra sanación y viaje terapéutico no es perfecto o lineal, pero cuando sabes que alguien cree en ti, nada es imposible! Yo creo en ti!
The braid
Like a braid, healing in the therapeutic space is complex, intimate and various parts of our lives connect with each other. I believe that our identity, and experiences have some relation to each other. I believe that, like three parts to a braid, our physical, mental and emotional well being are also interconnected and understanding this unique relationship is monumental. Taking care of ourselves is like braiding, we are continuously weaving the three integral parts of ourselves as we braid; learning about ourselves, unlearning and growing to create something beautiful. / La Trenza: Como una trenza, nuestra salud tiene tres partes integrales; nuestra salud mental, física y emocional están relacionadas e interconectadas. Nuestra identidad y nuestras experiencias están también relacionadas a nuestra salud y bienestar. Cuidarnos y trabajar para sobresalir, es igual que trenzar; los tres componentes de nuestra salud se enlazan, y se unen íntimamente para crear algo bonito.